Shadowrun 6 QSR thoughts
Thoughts on the QSR rules that CGL have released.
- Hosts are nearly the same; OS doesn't increase while in hosts now
- ASDF are the same
- Attack rating =
Attack + Sleaze
- Defense Rating =
Data Processing + Firewall
- AR and VR are the same
- PANs are the same, with a clarification that in order to access an icon on a PAN, the PAN itself must be first accessed
- Commlinks are the same
- Decks are different - now they're "sleak modern versions of medieval gauntlets"
- Icons ar the same
- Personas are the same
- The "bricked" status is the same
- Legal tests all use
Electronics + Logic
- Illegal tests all uses
Cracking + Logic
- Defending against Matrix actions is (usually)
Firewall + Willpower
- OS is still present
- Instead of increasing by 2d6 every 15 minutes, a hacker's OS increases by 1 every round, which is dramatically faster than in SR5
- This increase by time is only "when you have illegal User access". Does that mean it doesn't increase if the hacker has illegal Root access? How does a hacker "dispose of" access without rebooting (or jacking out, as it's now known)?
- Programs seem the same, but it's hard to tell as there are only 3 so far
- There doesn't seem to be a distinction between "loud" hacking and "stealthy" hacking yet - all hacking is "loud"
- Actions
- Control Device is simpler than the SR5 version
- Why is this illegal? In SR5 it was legal.
- Crack File is the same
- Data Spike is the same
- Edit File is nearly the same - there aren't any rules for databombs (yet?)
- Enter/Exit Host seems to be the same
- Format Device is the same
- Hack is basically SR5 "Hack on the Fly" minus the free Perception
- Jack Out is a combination of SR5 "Jack Out" and "Reboot"
- Matrix Perception is SR5 "Matrix Perception" + "Matrix Search", but simpler
- Snoop is the same
- Spoof Command is pretty different - in SR5, a MARK was required on the persona that the hacke wanted to send the command from; in SR6, the hacker only requires access on the device itself
- Trace Icon is nearly the same; now it can be used to go from physical location to icon location
- Control Device is simpler than the SR5 version
My thoughts
Obviously, since these are QSR, there is a lot missing. Since this is Shadowrun by CGL, the editing is awful and the rules are generally incomplete and uninspired.
Questions I still have:
- What's required to access a host?
- What's required to access files in a host?
- No more grids?
- How does a hacker hide?
- Why does the OS increase so fast?
- How does a hacker revoke their access to something?
- What's the difference between user access and root access, mechanically?
- Is there a way to invite access to another persona?
- Which actions require hacking the icon beforehand, and which don't?
- Technomancers?
A lot of the matrix rules seem more hand-wavey, which does make some sense, as we only have access to some very abridged (I hope) Matrix rules.
More resources
These Reddit threads are interesting reads: