MtA 2e, Operation: Railgun

How fast could a group of mages make a chunk of steel move?

Spells not being used

First, let's start with the spells we won't be using.

Death 3, Quicken Corpse, page 131

This would be an excellent start to the calculations, but we're currently interested in firing a chunk of metal, not a zombie.

Forces 3, Gravitic Supremacy, page 144

This spell only affects jumping distance.

Time 2, Tipping the Hourglass, page 188

If we wanted to accelerate a living being to this speed, this spell would allow them to actually be able to control their movement, but we don't need that here.

Spells being used

Forces 1, Kinetic Efficiency, page 141

Adds the caster's Force dots to the target's running Speed.

Forces 3, Telekinesis, page 144

Adds the spell's Potency to the target's Speed.

Forces 3, Velocity Control, page 145

Double's the target's Speed per level of the spell's Potency.

Forces 4, Levitation, page 145

This spell lets us take the object to the air and also sets the initial air speed to the spell's Potency.

Space 1, Ground-Eater, page 173

Adds the spell's Potency to the target's Speed.

Time 3, Acceleration, page 188

Multiply the target's Speed by the spell's Potency.

The mages

As the scenario is already unrealistic, even for a super-high fantasy TTRPG, we'll keep adding to it. This scenario will have a Gnosis 3, <required Arcanum> 4 mage casting each spell. They can make use of any number of appropriate Yantas in order to cast the spell, can ritual cast, can touch the object, and they'll each only be require to get a single die to roll, which we will assume succeeds due to a Fate mage backing all the spellcasting.

The target

The object being fired is a chunk of steel, speed 0.

The math

Action Speed bonus Running total
Starting 0 0
Levitate +11 11
Kinetic Efficiency +11 22
Telekinesis +11 33
Ground-Eater +11 44
Acceleration x11 484
Velocity Control x211 991,232

Total: 991,232

What that means

The book gives us a scale for speed of common beings:

Factor Species
1 Turtle
3 Human toddler
5 Human adult
8 Wolf
10 Caribou
12 Horse
15 Cheetah

If we assume that a Cheetah's top speed is 120 km/h and that this table scales linearly (though it doesn't), then the speed of our projectile would be about 7,929,856 km/h, which is 2,202,738 m/s, which is 0.7% the speed of light and Mach 6,479.