Mage the Awakening theme part 1

There are many ways to use different Arcana to solve a problem. Need to pass a math test? Could Fate it to be successful; use Life to give yourself more raw intelligence; use Matter to make your test a clone of the smart kid's test; boost your knowledge of math with Mind; coax the Spirit of the test to pass itself; speak to the last teacher's ghost with Death; or create more Time to study. Could even use any of those to make other people test worse and shoot for the curved grading.

What about being in a car going down the road, and another car runs the red and is about to slam into you? You could use Forces to reduce the other car's velocity, or create more space between them with Space or Time. Matter or Death could force the other car off its path. Life, Mind, Fate, Spirit, Forces, or Time could give you the reflexes to react. If you're going to get hit, Life, Death, or Time could fix the damage to your body.

Need to find someone? Could simply Fate your paths to cross; find where they were last with Time; find who last saw them with Mind; or trace their steps with Matter, Death, Space, or Spirit.