Mage the Awakening theme part 2

Now you've done it. You've attracted the attention of a nation-state powered group of hunters. Well funded, well trained, and even supported with a bit of supernatural power, they're on your trail, and they want you dead. An unprepared mage is a dead mage - after all, you're only human. A knife in the back, a bullet through the head, or a quick poison in your food would be all that it'd take to get their revenge. A prepared mage, however, is one of the strongest forces in the Chronicles of Darkness universe. A mage needs to know who, what, when, where, why, and how. A good mage finds these out. A great mage controls some of these questions.

How do you handle this, then? A Life mage could entirely change their body: height, weight, skin/eye/hair color, and birthmarks. Think bigger. They could change their fingerprints, their blood type, even their DNA. This lets you hide. How do you strike back? How do you end this fight? Find a powerful person dying of an incurable disease. Cure the disease. Now they owe you, and if you're smart, you can use that.

With Mind, you have a few paths available to you. The first is to make yourself a strategic and tactical mastermind. Despite their training and resources, you know that everything they think they know is part of the Lie. You, at least in part, are Truth: control your path by controlling them. If you're really the puppeteer type, raise up an organization against them. Most everyone in power has enemies, and even if they don't, you can make some. Find another organization, and feed them. Bring them up in the image of your army, and deploy them to battle.

If you want this over without any bloodshed, and can't be bothered to take direct action, then simply destroy the connections between them and you with Space. If the links to you fray and fall through their fingers, then memories falter, emotions fade, and written records are misplaced. Control the ties that bind, and order them to slip away, just as you do. Any organization this strong must have other things to do, other paths to follow. Control the path to you, and control your future.

There's a simple option, of course. A mage skilled in Fate can control the way that future unfolds. Ensure that the hunters never ... get ... quite ... close ... enough. They made raid the building down the street, the hideout in the next lot, or even the house next door. But no matter how hard they try, no matter how many resources they pour into their search, something always goes wrong, and you always slip away. If they are willing to give more and more to find you, let that Monkey's Paw curl inward. You are Fate; you are the future; you spin the webs, you control the players, you are the chess board itself.