For years, I've been using VirtualBox to run Linux virtual machines (currently using Arch [btw]), but I've gotten started with WSL, and it's fantastic. Microsoft is certainly trying to make the developer community like them, and here's another win for everyone.

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In today's world, it's difficult to learn about cryptocurrencies without falling into deep pits of people absolutely screaming that it's the "next best thing" that will "revolutionize the way we live" and "disrupt the _______ market" or whatever. In trying to get into the space myself, I'm putting resources here that I found to be informative.

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I've moved posts from my old blog over here. They can be found via the "old_blog" tag. Due to not having the information about when each article was posted any more precise than the year, I've just assigned each article the posting date of Jan 1 at midnight of the year I wrote it.

The SmarterEveryDay YouTube channel launches a Kickstarter for "4Privacy", an "app [that] helps you privately communicate and securely organize your important information". Sounds like a good win for privacy, right?

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You'll certainly end up with a fast, safe, and easy-to-deploy service, but is it worth the tradeoffs?

WARNING: this is a bit of a rant and not likely helpful.

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Creating custom libraries, frameworks, tools, and products can bring great value in the workplace but putting time, effort, and money into these customizations can bite back.

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